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adam no need for learning rate schedulr on imagenet.

29 Notion - use board view to create multi task TODO view & hidden group to do the archive for Done task

saw p value again but in Kendalltau - rank correlation

12.1 obsidian update - need to update the installed theme as well.

Assist Prof - I read about 30-50 or so abstracts a week and then fully read maybe 5-15 of those a week. When I’m starting a project, writing a paper or a grant, those numbers go way up. This is just baseline “keeping up with the field.”

obsidian - create private group as separated library for different purpose. Note that my library wil lsit all tags whereas group library will not.

12-4 zotero: add tags and add to notes on quotes to not read papers appear in the papers e.g. the suvery paper



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