Oct Logs
First day of Oct, marked. work on what is solvable, those cannot, whatever how worry wont anyway, just break it down into small and “line them up, knock them down”.
when in doubt, go lofi.
didnt thought i can put the mode i used for running to studying, guess library servrs as the strongerst regularised term. #recall not much memory back then but do remember in year 3 , with peers, having this feeling of every sec matter, where i miss e.g. 30mins, would like eat and shower quicker to compensate the time.
#daily wake up early always feel better than late - dont go gentle into that good morning. #daily from now on, heathly drinks only, no sugar as the default setting as it looks like it may slow our brain down when digest them.
#research now, do see that enginnering is more like try whatever to make it work while science is to observation and formulate and derive result accordingly. #study now writing seems to be a norm, a library space, a light music, takes fresh air every hr, writing done.
#internet btw, overleaf detect correctly on which uni I am from thou I use a different email, hmm, either google expose it or overleaf did sth e.g. based on the ip, hope its the later.
#weather dont mind rain, but hate storm 4 sure. #others multi layer login works quite nicely #event heroku end free tiers in Nov, this platform is def a bless to use and have been last for so long ,smh; “its no about money, its about sending a msg” - I wonder will github ever remove its free tier? #software when in doubt, use open source software
#uni “thx for the qs” said by my lecturer, - wow, dont think I hear this often - but its feels great.
#reset10 guess cant blame to rain; driven by interest / feelings / initution. #daily what can i say, there is always someone later than u.
#daily music&food&sleep ; currently this order;
#recall realised that I has been long not studying while eating, prob just dont want my keyboard to get dirt, thats enough to me. #uni last time this year i think i saw their graduation ceremony too and soon realised i would do the same too a year later, sometimes, its like a huge loop/circle. no rain pls, if i can attend mine. Rain is such a unfortune for these events;
#music “summer is over” - match really well this morning especially watch sideman a bit last night~
#hmm #uni strike again together, thought I gonna walk the side walk, but take the main since more ppl there, then after got in, the side walk is blocked even more, sometimes, when see the opportunity, guess just go with it
#study #writing writing need extreme quiet - find home work the best, library not really. #uni good weather, but am indoor thou, anyway.
#daily iterative adaptive bio-clock #Au end of self-isolation is positive, guess it means COVID is over. #health drinking cold water could burn fat #idea turn annotated paper to digital pdf version #progress physically oscillating but mind is cnoverging .
#ai joe rogen interviewed steve job created by podcast AI, feels very wrong and sad but extremely supervisingly confused after thinking about the potential impact if scaled
#music always a music ready for any mood. #event kahabib said to Daniel on championship - “maybe next life” … ; some retired, some get in - reminds me of that steve’s quote.
#ideas like survey paper but in real life for different problems e.g. how to quickly get hands on a application, maintained by community using unified framework / structure e.g. graph for visulisation of all existing types of community contribution
#time the eternity of internal peace. #sharpe mint / Chewing Gum also work to heep it sharpe #engineering I initially thought how stuipd it is to put a password on the watch, wouldnt everytime u look at it u have to enter pw, then I reaslie that the system could only requires pw when the watch is took off, hmm, silly me.
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