June Logs
Finished NLP assignment 2 with teammate, collobration as always been a bless. Focus on revision now. Library sitting is not so comfit so decide just revise at home.
#uni #rant I received a spam mail from another language organisation saying how it could help with my final exam, very annoying. Its just strange that no one penalise these org and just let flood of spams in.
Apple ios sleep feature - very nice.
Listen halfway the robo brain chat with Geoff hinton last night before bed, brain and NN, will listen to all his interview if the questions and follow ups are all at this level.Powertoy, pin toy feature, very nice.
#unsw Now, looking at, the 1 year VIP project course in which little guidance is given, is really like a self exploring journey. Thou the outcome is not ideal, it does give me a sense on what I can do without basically much support from others. The frustration seems to be a norm after seeing how many other experience much of of it at different levels. Salt and pepper, its part of the ingradient even thou it may not taste good depends on my weather.
Every time see plog remains me of prolog - not really a good days.
#study Sometimes will have this oppositve force - like I study because I am genuniely interested the course or I find it simply makes sense and is part of the must do or I just respect the effort behind all the learning material provided, not because the marks, the ranking, looks good on resume ya di ya di ya. It is just binary, whether subjectively or objectively that subject of matter would shape me towards a better direction.
I did not realise those complains on office setting e.g. neck pain will also happen to me, review some better position when study. This somewhat forces me out of library
#observe Andrew Ng explained a bit about how interest rate in bank could lead to more focus in short term investment and how this short term fav investment affect the IT industry particular on those research that do not yield quickly and suggestions by him on how should these research changes their description on funding grant to hightlights their short term imporantance as well. High interest rate means the money in the future would worth less since money in bank can generate more money in the future, which makes the money in the future less worthy, and then short term investment is more prefered. This call of increasing the interest rate is by the US Top bank assoicate to reduce the inflation rate that is currently at all time high and this decision make the share market especially the IT ones look very bad, take Facebook as an example.
Hmm, I think it is harder to balance workload and health compared to purely focusing on workload and so I will give it try for a healthier lifestyle with stress-less focus
Sometimes, I am thinking why we innovate, and feel like that is partly because we forget about things, and then pick it up with a new perspective, if we have all the answer in mind, it will definitely be hard to generate new angle when looking at things.
#mark here: If there is one day missing in the log, its either I am very productive or not so, so I better just log at least one line to summarise each day. How can we encode our knowledge if imagine it is a vector space? Memorise by understanding for revision.
“Life is too short to be mean to each other”
why not over why is always a good start.
#sigh If Isaac Newton can do it without computer, no excues for us whatsoever.
#observe Havard release their professor salary, ofc, the HBS professor comes 1st.
1/4 - one final done - a theory based one, pretty much memorise by understand everything then done.
#nn Strange that did not get suggestion to learn a network by drawing the architecture from begining, did it for lstm, much confident to say I understand lstm at some level now. Just like math, cannot just look at the formula and try to understand it…
Learn first by mimicing, just like NN, or machine intelligence.
# nn recently, they found that Dalle-E 2 has secret words / its own language sortof, since if input “two farm man talks to each other” then the output image will contains text box including human unreadable text but if use the as the input, then we obtain picture of birds etc. This is explained by someone as a result of the byte pair encoding where names for birds often has the same set of prefix and those prefix is then translated into common pattern, and thus whenever these non human readable text is used as input, it is mapped to those pattern which maps to the model understanding of birds.
2/4 nlp final done - could prepare more. For whatever reason, I spent a lot of time in the Bi-DAF as I anticipate the final essay question is about QA but it turns out to be NMT, I prepare transformer but not as well, strange it happens more than once that initution is pretty bad.
Wow, never would I thought the order of my name is correct, then I realise it is from HK, make sense. Never thought I would say the word “unfortunitely”, normally someone will it to me…
Everything just make sense, jezz I am tiny - Gary Marcus: Toward a Hybrid of Deep Learning and Symbolic AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #43 |
#recall #ideas I used to memorise to the 100th decimal places for pi math symbol with a youth course teaching how to related existing memory e.g. correlated evey items in your room to a digit e.g. chopstick as 11 and looking back, it makes total sense to make such correlation more like a human force attention map between past memory and new wanted memory.
I would say discord studytogether group help me mimic library env to 85~90%, the other % is due when camera is turn off, then feel a bit less supervised, but I then think about the time needed for commute to library, may balance out.
I did not try the CN national uni entrance exam, before I thought its a shame, now, realise there are much bigger scope than those appears on the textbook.
#idea the thumb up feature in outlook turns out to be extremely convenient when acknowledgement is needed but not neccessary reply with a extra email.
#idea I realised it is after that ROS course, I started to realise my interest, thou never would I thought, its just the initution that robot is fun, and after taking that course and look back, I can now define my interest as some questions:
- Will this be the first thing I think of when I wake up? before bed?
- Will this make me forget eating? time? And others that is irrelevant in the process?
- If I go to youtube, will I instead choose to listen to a podcast from someone in the field explaining the frontier?
Realise what I hav learnt , just like the sun where ppl are looking at every day, forgetting 99.9 % of the universe are actually made of void, which relatively are the things that I need to learn more on.
#idea #final Just realies the idea of adversial could be paritally explained by how I review the theory based course for final i.e. think about the potential questions and answer them and repeat until I am confident, the quality of the answer is judged by myself.
#nn I accidentally review the brainstorm with students video from Prof Yoshua, they are discussing how brain do backprop, then I realise prof geoff came with some conclusion in the recent robot brain podcast
ddl is the best supervisor
#recall So strange, I revise quite some on nlp, for what every strange reason, I forget to revise about Glove …
so the following five days would be: lofi / brain wave + discord studytogether then last final exam - cloud computing. Lets go.
#health I think after 4 years of bad sitting habit i.e. sit in library straight a long time , develop neck pain, think this is the cause.
#nn little nap may be good for the brain resettle the absort the memory input - learn reoresentation on negative sampling whereas when awake do on positive sampling
#uni there are lectures who dont like put everything on the slides, I personally enjoying having them since it faciliate the learners, guess its either a choice of ppt style or they do it on purpose. Since they want students to take note. But since more example practices will fulfill the lack in understanding so guess it is not an issue.
Guess google brain is more reearh oriented whereas deep mind is on product.
#observe It only take one droplet of ink to pollute the whole glass of water
#observe the battery on the mouse die out much faster than the one my keyboard used - logitech
#uni if some day I wonder why I decline that offer, it is because I prob know what I want and I am poor at multi tasking, so just focus on one and learn stuffs over a pretty resume I suppose.
#note taking I will add #TODO for slides that have large content which I dont want to absorb for that moment.
Lofi works the best at home brain wave works best at library, guess the mono tone focus boosting sound only works if ur heart is settle.
lofi + water + dc study group + weather + revision ~= retirement life style -> autumn colored chillness
have being delay some normal stuffs due to exam, should have improve this.
I am so p o having notes in different places, before I thought using mindmap, then change to onenote, then change to word doc 3 cols landscape, next time pls put all in one.
#observe There are a lot of underlying issues in win11, load super slowly for opening a folder with some mp3 files.
“King takes kings, I want <>”, understand why now these level of quotes can only be made by a few / 1 who experience things, not from textbook.
#recall Should try read another autobio last summer, #todo I guess
learn from others notes just like ensemble, cheap and effective, too lazy to ask thou..
#remorse did not wear our home city school uniform for undergraduate graduation, such a pity seeing others doing it
finger snap between two ears - just like how frank underwood knock the table twice.
Nowadays, do any sort of entertainment feels like project a 3d brain into a 2d env, quite boring, not even as fun as remix + typing.
What is the most patch needed system ever seen? My past…
if dont understand, assume overfit.
#recall during that covid time, for youtube, gorden R, sideman, late night show 5+,
# study - go over reference in the lec slides, sometimes quite comprehensively related.
“This man could calm down a level 5 hurricane”
Just realise how bad it used to be the backend of the local file storage file system is for Wechat, pdfs, memes, png, used to all be stored in one folder with timestamp and encoing as filename, now the pdfs are in separated folder.
Ok, I partially blame the those who make a choice dont publish all the resource in the uni coz I found that cambridge seems published all their past papers for students. it makes students to go to third party org to just get the past exam or whatever they did not release. Do none of that thou, just learn it the hard way, why not.
Have time to sigh, then have time to finish it.
#study learn how to overfit to different systems / learning
#TODO diffusion model, see the name so many times
There are two types of library, the one with a lot of Asian or a one pretty empty.
#observe Byte dance havent have IPO yet…
#interesting Watched shark tank - very interesting, “funding grant is not a success, but an obligation”. Feel like the stuffs learn for ITM, IT practice, all of a sudden, make complete sense. Its really about adding value and make sth a better place than a entitlement
Thou I do get it is fine to share good news on social media, but feel things like scholar is more a responsibilty, def feel strange if take getting it as a major success, much rather it is about the very first step of taking the weight of equivalent monetary aspect and expectation from others.
#mine Seems to reach a ceiling, compared to last time, have tried and used some more techs to aovid of side effect of the techs, but still cannot settle heart if interest lost.
One goal: DC study group - 120 hr +
Now I understand that quotes Sylvia Plath, memory is recurrent. Didnt realise she gone at 31..
First sem done in USYD, only complaint is no use of MS Team, canvas & zoom is just not a good taste.
#uni Have to say that it turns out to be strange that I dont bother to translate what I learnt in English to home language.
Conor McGregor - “I want to take this chance to apologize for absolutely nobody.”
#time just realise 6 years, not once being called with my home name until yesterday in a group meeting, long time not call.
#recall someone said the consulting on high performance computer are around $1000 / hr US, now get why. #study Very strange after that long hussle still did not get the resource allocation understanding correct for cloud computing, believe if get the right resource then with the time spent, more progress would make its really: speed*time = distance, cannot just spent more time.
#life sometimes just cant help thinking be a tennis coach, the health aspect of it sound quite addictive. #life things just so much more normalised now, cant be ask to take photos, nothing is surprise at its cores, normality is the new norm.
#uni sometimes find it strange, some of them choose to do those wam booster course and ofc their wam will be higher compared to those who choose to do the harder and more meaningful, but such meanfulingness only appears in the personal experience side but not on the e.g. cv, but nonetheless, should knock all of them down regardless how hard anyway.
#paper 40% CVPR submitted from China, 20% from US,
regardless what purpose, all eventually come to the same road, parallel lines meet at infinity.
Just do it do it do it * 3. If break, think about plan.
Get the 120hr+ for DC study together, thou some of the time did count in my sleeping. #recall On Fri night, someone else come in my solo at 10:45 and put up a 1 hr timer, surprising I stay in until 11:40 just for the timer.
#mark just for that call of name, will do like 2021 summer.
#recall 2021 summer term, right after I finished that two summer courses, I knew the next time I do sth similar, its gonna either be similar productivity or only less. What a pity, that trend did not continue, such a good way to begin the year, but for whatever reason, with the online course, I manage to drop my WAM instead of improving them, expected thou since lack of planning.
#recall sometimes just thinking: maybe things would be better if that path is not chosen so early.
#quote “Life is like a bicyle, have to keep moving to keep it balance.”
#rant trs code has two variables, both used, one is named as ‘_’ and the second one is ‘__’, speechless.
#study Quantitantive everything seems to be a good indicator. #study if failed to follow the schedule, do it better next time rather than over retrospection, just do it, nothing else.
# “upcoming ICU exames” very nice.
#papers there is one said “even if he dont feel like reading the papers, he would still sit in front of the monitor and rather let the time past on meditating than other irrelevant stuffs that would ruin the flow”
#uni sometimes just wonder why ranking in course is not a consideration for the final mark, like a course with 99% students get over 85 is definitely different to the one with 10%, which gives quite unfair result provided marks are always the first highlight then degree . not often about courses did. But regardless, you should knock all of them down anyway.
#mark p the only r I change to this u is to see if I can improve the result, see no changes on it, sth fundmental has to change, loss is not reduce.
read a quote “going back home country is like .. a travel”
would called incremental work but EA of papers.
#quote “In case if you have a strong academic background”
#usyd I explained how my a2 contains a logical error that ruins the result, and james kindly remarked it quickly, ty.
#life strange I never thought about the effect of pillow on sleepign, the old one compared to the new one is so different, strange to create the optimal sleeping env now.
find it strange to cheer for marks, I should know my mark before it comes out, will cheer for the effort and meeting the requirement by massive googling ensuring on the right track thou.
#NN yann ask Gary marcus for citizism in his position paper - a path to auto intellgence and he relied, lmao.
#solution find a strange soln for freezing black screen when connecting laptop to another monitor, jus open th task manager with keyboard shortcut and everything just works again
life could dream - did not realise u can add comments to each block in mindmaster , in this way u have like a hover over effect
“from open source to open research”
#study ok, I seriously doubt my brain could continuously absorb new info without break withouot lossing effiency, so prob will focus more on balancing the things
#research Have weekly research mentor meeting, everyone in the research program seems to be similar situation - read paper and conduct experiments, thou others seem have their supervisor quite busy, lucky me.
#recall now get what settle my mood during 2021 summer courses - never done microenon which brings me new aspect of looking at things, again, its the interest that drives me calm.
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