April Logs
Finish listen to Lex with LeCun interview. Learning.
Jeff hinton used to have a title of “engineering fellow” in google. That’s all.
Mindmap with different templates - make taking notes, review more interesting and also give the highest efficiency to recall past knowledge what not? TOC style of bullets point with indentation, personal experience is less effective compared to mind map, each branch reduce to time taken by a factor of that branch number.
All, if not, most are just feelings of different kinds, so should be all controlable or better take advantage of. Productivity & health here would be the evalution metric.
Knowledge is prob a keyword base mapping, topology (casual relation) over geometric (acutal distance measure) as one says.
Emm, they all at least been to Canada… Big 3.
- Effort is enough, but sometimes the right window of time is also. E.g. I did the SWOT analysis on the wrong aspect, turns out a similar analysis is published after the tut which help confirms my understanding more.
- change lofi to mind wave song, consistent non-monotonic help aovid shift in focus.
- outside view e.g. nice sun can also be distraction, sometimes, a confined room is a booster for productivity.
- smarter not harder. Tiem out for each task.
Taking note using mindmap is like learning by extract structural repreesntation from the unstructure ones lec slide, recording, etc.
We may be just a more advanced predictive model. On the emotion side, if a robot is trained to avoid touching high temperature object, then when it appears to move away from these hot object, will it be considered as a behaviour of fear or it is just a action based on thier trained lookup table. The “Chinese room” one is interesting as well. But obviously we cannot rule out every possible scernario but maybe most of them ? given the increased computation power.
SayCan (Berkery),Dalle 2 (OpenAI, text-image generation), PaLm (Google, understand jokes, reasoning) - generative model.
Wonder how machine will learn the common sense e.g the below one.
It is not bad at all. Expiry dates are advisory not compulsory, they are for guidance only, not for blind obedience.
Use your common sense, if it smells OK and looks OK then it will likely be OK. If you pick fruit and veg from the garden do they have expiry dates? No. If you catch a fish in the lake or river does it have an expiry date? No.
If it’s OK for fresh foods it’s OK for all foods. Common sense prevails
Assignment. Should plan, schudule and avoid get stuck at all cost. Easter break, next wk is study wk.
We learnt, recall memory by context as well, just like nlp model, or they are designed by us.
Did not realise colab can paste image directly to the markdown cell.
#recall Below during the last day of the school. Strange in uni, never seems to see a proper goodbye durign the last lec, prob online…
roses are red
violets are blue,
if this is how the story ends,
then we will be all miss you
Monte Carlo is also a city, how many do u want me to see u…
Intermediant fasting. Eating did slow down the productivity since it is a shift of focus over reconcentration - Acknowledge for what take for granted
Context learning. Keyword + mindmap - make knowledge map for efficient and effective inforamtion retrival. #recall receive offer from another uni while stay in the current uni library feels special.
We dont take Ls. Yet I am still in my L driving license. I would say mindmap is a unsupervised learning method.
Revision: Top down revise, then starts practise qs and ask qs.
Outlook is kindof better than gmail in terms of the like button feature and the attachment preview, but gmail do give a better overall ecosystem.
My take on NN way to make a analogy on my learning. First, I will make mindmap on the highest level i.e heading ~ subheading to get the abstract representation of the lec content. Then, I will make a copy of that and expand on every point to get a detailed representation. Next, I will write a essay-format summary to write down my understanding i.e. what I know. Then, using this summary that collects what I know, I could then find questions on what I dont. So I will then ask questions on unfamiliar points and record on on a combined pdf. This provides me with more than one feature representation of each point knowledge I learnt. Since we learn by context, this method provides more context and allows me to recall each point faster with greater depth.
In short, high level mindmap, low level mindmap, essay form summary, questions & examples, combined pdf. Extra note, I use the head bar from Chrome to add local file path as url to organise since that folder orientation in Chrome is better than the local one as 1. U spcific only the important ones, 2. it gives preview the next folder and u dont have to click in but just hover over.
Writing down ur own understanding for a content is the encoding process, note that just simply reorganise is not enough i.e. put in onenote or others without summary. Recall these understanding by reading over the note is the decoding process.
Write down what u know is a quick baseline to obtain what u dont.
#EDITED mindmap also servers a keyword extraction layer.
Say it again, OCR in OneNote is pretty good.
Enjoy being different uni, it really give different perspective to look at the same thing. UNSW CSE has the echo podcast with lecturers before I left, USYD seems to have some but not run by students rather the uni, hmm.
Ok, I am back to Onenote since it captures sequential relationship better but still use mindmap for high level or when I feel bored by the text form note taking.
Find it strange some ppl say eletric car casuse the same pollution on environment, prob they dont know it just a distributed vs central ssytem. If all pollution comes from factory, then carbon capture technology will be used easier, besides, given the scale of the factory, its energy convertion efficency is also much higher than fuel based car. Electrity, ofc, have no such low effiency waste issue relatively.
Before, we are completing on who has the highest steps walk, now the least.
Strange to understand how temperature could do so much magic, wake up early, a hot bath really makes a big difference to get into the focus mode quick.
#plan it would be really nice if there is a remake on Up with real ppl.
Lec content absorption is a sequential process, like waterfall, one content need sto be done before antoher , so itis better to put more content into oen page instead of splittign too much since we recall by context, excessive splitting ignores the fact that the content is taught in linear order not parallel.
New rule: if bored, continue plan ahead - planning agent.
Pefere finding the balance over overload.
Li Kai-Fu and Lex : “Brain of a company to maxise the profit for its stakeholders, heart and soul to add values and give back to the community. Andrew Ng & lex: “The helicopter project , localisation when flip is very hard - takes more than 1 year - solution: add a camera on the ground to help”, “One right scale is the key, one wrong: unsupervised learning not that promising.
#24 Frederick Sanger, self-funded, two nobel prices,.
mindmap vs doc bullet points (TOC) vs Table.
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “as our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”
“Inspiration over comeptition”. Impostor Syndrome
Canvas - group file section allows pdf preview - nice. Moodle eems to be a cheap alternative after using canvas.
His made or reference from others a list of research papers, research youtube videos, noice - https://aman.ai/
Capture understanding.
The feeling of learn how to learn after reflecting on AI is special.
#idea Pretty sure at least it would be something interesting if someone make a analogy between human learning and machine.
guess for long not want to say the word proficient in something after seeing those who truely are. Bloomberg interviewers are , very experience, well, obviously thou. But still impress
Prob just use the word “reasonable” for most skills until real proficiency.
Still disguisted the behaviouro of some companys purposely disallow users to remove credit card info.
Word doc version control pretty helpful, easy restore.
Ok, only one metric to measure success, no hair loss whatsoever. Never would have though before communicate is such crucial, seesm so far this is where most time in project wasted, unclear delivering of message.
Also, close the laptop and listen to music whenver things go bad.
All theory should only be put in one place, e.g. oneNote. not flying around.
Sometime think about how much technology has advanced where few decades ago there want phone, if go back more, they may not even be ipod or internet. #idea feel it would be to have e.g. a theme park where all digital device are banned, and live on the rock.
educated print statement - best debugger & way to understand code.
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