My Laptop config
Below serves to make my next new setup faster.
- startup app
- search indexing exclude folders to speed powertoy up
- change icon for different folders link
Cusor color: Purple
- night mode: 15
window setting
- animation effect
- click twice for multi-selection. # Easy misclick
- background running app
- auto bright
Search environment varaible, then select performancea and disable accordingly.
browser setting
- background apps
- report to e.g google
- Lenovo manager
- Github
- chrome
- 网易有道词典, setup keyboard shortcut:
alt + 1
for mini translation window - qqmusic
- boo ware
- Fn + space : change keyboard backlight
- Install everything to d drive if possible to save spaces
- win10 apps seems work on win11 by default
The keyboard has lit 0 sound - thinkbook 16p adobe bind some unwanted other apps when install, unclick
create new folder for each app installed sync vscode with github account git - restart to activate check if env path is correct if this could be a possible problem. - often occures generate ssh key: to tidious to have passphrase for ssh, so decide to remove it link
- File explorer lag
Looks more and more like macos..
login google account set as default. Pure maddness, google syn everything… taskbar
hard drive
- encrpt with toshiba software
Toshiba password encrpted section
First time usage will gives access to public space where the encrpted app can be installed. Then after install, enter password will do.
// This file was initially generated by Windows Terminal 1.0.1401.0
// It should still be usable in newer versions, but newer versions might have additional
// settings, help text, or changes that you will not see unless you clear this file
// and let us generate a new one for you.
// To view the default settings, hold "alt" while clicking on the "Settings" button.
// For documentation on these settings, see:
"$schema": "",
"defaultProfile": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
// You can add more global application settings here.
// To learn more about global settings, visit
// If enabled, selections are automatically copied to your clipboard.
"copyOnSelect": false,
// If enabled, formatted data is also copied to your clipboard
"copyFormatting": false,
// A profile specifies a command to execute paired with information about how it should look and feel.
// Each one of them will appear in the 'New Tab' dropdown,
// and can be invoked from the commandline with `wt.exe -p xxx`
// To learn more about profiles, visit
"initialCols": 75, // size of terminal
"initialRows": 15,
// Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles.
"fontSize": 10
"guid": "{80f8e53f-6698-4fc7-8953-c8e6940bd2fa}", // by [guid]::NewGuid()
"name": "Git Bash",
"commandline": "\"D:\\online download\\git_Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe\" -i -l",
"icon": "D:/online download/git_Files/Git/mingw64/share/git/git-for-windows.ico",
"startingDirectory" : "%USERPROFILE%"
"guid": "{c6eaf9f4-32a7-5fdc-b5cf-066e8a4b1e40}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu-18.04",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
// "backgroundImage" : "E:/make/wallpaper/boat_land.jpg",
"backgroundImageOpacity" : 0.75,
"backgroundImageStretchMode" : "fill"
"guid": "{07b52e3e-de2c-5db4-bd2d-ba144ed6c273}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu-20.04",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl"
// Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile.
"guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"name": "Windows PowerShell",
"commandline": "powershell.exe",
"hidden": false,
"backgroundImage" : "E:/make/wallpaper/night.jpg",
"backgroundImageOpacity" : 0.75,
"backgroundImageStretchMode" : "fill"
// Make changes here to the cmd.exe profile.
"guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"name": "命令提示符",
"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"hidden": false
"guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Azure Cloud Shell",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"
"guid": "{07b52e3e-de2c-5db4-bd2d-ba144ed6c273}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu-20.04",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl"
// Add custom color schemes to this array.
// To learn more about color schemes, visit
"schemes": [{
"background" : "#000000",
"black" : "#0C0C0C",
"blue" : "#6060ff",
"brightBlack" : "#767676",
"brightBlue" : "#3B78FF",
"brightCyan" : "#61D6D6",
"brightGreen" : "#16C60C",
"brightPurple" : "#B4009E",
"brightRed" : "#E74856",
"brightWhite" : "#F2F2F2",
"brightYellow" : "#F9F1A5",
"cyan" : "#3A96DD",
"foreground" : "#bfbfbf",
"green" : "#00a400",
"name" : "GitBash",
"purple" : "#bf00bf",
"red" : "#bf0000",
"white" : "#ffffff",
"yellow" : "#bfbf00",
"grey" : "#bfbfbf"
// Add custom keybindings to this array.
// To unbind a key combination from your defaults.json, set the command to "unbound".
// To learn more about keybindings, visit
// Copy and paste are bound to Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V in your defaults.json.
// These two lines additionally bind them to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
// To learn more about selection, visit
{ "command": {"action": "copy", "singleLine": false }, "keys": "ctrl+c" },
{ "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" },
// Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the search box
{ "command": "find", "keys": "ctrl+shift+f" },
// Press Alt+Shift+D to open a new pane.
// - "split": "auto" makes this pane open in the direction that provides the most surface area.
// - "splitMode": "duplicate" makes the new pane use the focused pane's profile.
// To learn more about panes, visit
{ "command": { "action": "splitPane", "split": "auto", "splitMode": "duplicate" }, "keys": "alt+shift+d" }
Lenovo, debloat
Ref Lenovo Vantage is more of a command center for your laptop unique features and UEFI settings interfacing. Stand alone it doesn’t do much of nothing more than offering you the toggles. It does bring some bloatware like LenovoBoostSystem , LenovoSecurity, LenovoSmartPerformance ecc, as add-in plugins.
Then you have System Interface Foundation Service (ImControllerService), this is not a dependency for Lenovo Vantage. AFIK this is what monitors your system for any changes at the OS level offering Lenovo Vantage additional features. It has a plugin model going around which I think they use to adjust to different features available on the specific model. Those plugins include mostly utilities to monitor your OS and system overall (network, task scheduling, event logging, settings ecc).
In addition IMcontroller also loads some plugins for the companionapp (Lenovo Vantage): LenovoAudio, DolbyAudio, ecc.
Lenovo notebook ITS Service (LITSSVC) is a standalone service that does only one job and that is controlling thermal conditions (fan and cpu throttle for example) and it runs without any help from the other services and also independently from them. The only toggle in Lenovo Vantage that has to do with what ITS does is the Power/Performance mode you chose (Extreme Perf, Intelligent Coolding, Battery Saver) but that you can also change it with Fn+Q bypassing the need for Lenovo Vantage all together (having LenovoUtility / Lenovo Hotkeys UWP installed)
Disclaimer: all this information is based on my own personal conclusion upon using the software and thinkering with it in oreder to debloat my laptop while still keeping essential functionality.
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