Jan Logs
New year, seeing many 2022 Resolution, one by Yahn Lechun, is: “My 2022 resolution is 4k 2048*3100” something like this.. Genuinely surprised Elon Mask being interviewed by Lex for 3 hr-ish. Effort.
Should have made this Github blog page early, its actually a plan for Dec~Jan 2021.
USYD Enrolment can check prereq
I initially was thinking if I want to open source this github page, (I have created a public separate github comment page to sortof achieve this, private repo, public comment using e.g. gisus). But everything I learn is from the open communnity - there isnt a reason I should worry about it given so many great examples available online already.
CEO Pfizer Amazon deepracer looks fun.
Learn the hierachy of my home country, always more to learn.
Use below tag, if nothing else is on, I will choose some to write.
Once 2 steps verification is on, complexity of password seems to be less important.
Multiple browsers for different purpose is good, but on laptop, it “rams” up quite quick.
Determinginf factor of buying a product: Brand -> Price -> Comments
That time of the year again, CES 2022 (Consumer Electronics Show)
Recall in 2019, Dr Li Feifei was Dr, but already gave lots of contribution to the field, then 2020 in the lec slides, it becomes Professor.
Received the Batch first public mail of the year, insightful.
Github Page Updates can be frequent, otherwise, a big update will refresh slow.
Try to add some details to intermediate git commit: from “updates” -> “updates: tensorflow design”
Things happen, the first reaction should always be “how to solve it” rather git blame. Consequentialism.
Sadly, looks like quite some blog page ending up no new post anymore after years, hope mine will continue bit longer.
My 2022 resolution: Family, health, study. Efficiency.
Having a blog enables a sharable learning expereince rather than me putting all the notes in OneNote with less potential interaction.
**2022-01-07 **
Leetcode for data science? reddit so temporary discontinue.
Realise have learnt a ton but didnt absorbed so well.
The design in database of single table vs multiple to delegate different responsiblity also applies to note taking. The pros and cons are similar as well. Recall one primary reason I make multiple pages in OneNote for lec summary is that I have once accidentally change a section which I dont know where in a page with huge chunk of notes, ever since, I prefer multiple pages.
Realise alt + shift + i
can insert two trailing spaces for all lines.
Enjoy word with many syllables. Just sounds good, e.g. miscellaneous.
Recall: Once in a group meeting, I translate a chineses meme quote into english, it goes
“Ur voice are so lovely that my ears feel pregnant”.
Realise if being too cautious i.e. think about all possible cases, often lead to more worry/stress, and this may pass on to others which is not good.
Recall: My English name is given by my primary school teacher (I highly sus its because Tom & Jerry), could have change, but looking back, memory.
Do things at real time instead of stacks it at the end.
A joke: after study & continue studying computer stuffs, realise eyes are perhaps the most important organ, and mine arent too bad relatively.
Understanding is about the ability to rephrase the speaker’s quote and being agreed by them.
Information is always been updated, so the latest possible the better.
Huge fan of standing if possible and elinates chances of non-standing programming/latopping. Standing should be the trend over sitting or whatever others.
I found imagine ur vision as a computer and render image segmentation on ur vision by imagination could eliminate some noise in real life since moving part of the attention to something else i.e. the surrounding environment.
Thou being in Aus for quite a while, after doing the Jigsaw-comments kaggle competition, I learnt a lot more new words…
In practise, graph EDA is not so needed unless to show someone else, e.g. class balance problem can be shown by plain text, why? The notebook loads faster…
Filename, comments should be named such that after 1 year, u still can quickly get the point, why so? Learn from a mistake where after 1 year, the project seems to be written by someone else, sort of.
use #ref to locate the reference - Index better.
I am tired for some reason, then I drink some water and open two windows -> I am back. Fresh air - underrated.
Looking back, chasing infinite subject is always much tastier than finite human rule based stuff e.g. chess.
When search a terminology, other relevant helpful info may pop up, just save the links, dont get distracted until later. Think this process should be like a “guided/destination-oriented DFS”. Other relveant part will be back tracked once the original aim is achiveved.
#Ideas Dronedense, believe many like me used to have similar ideas.
Planned economy, market-driven economy - hierachy vs share.
#LifeHack one side adhesive tape will leave marks on high-temperature-resistance dinning table. Solution? Put some Alcohol
Saw Joma youtube channel saying something like “My desktop setting has blah, blah,… it is perrrfect, and the only thing this setup lacks is my talent”
#TODO Email management e.g. create rules, organise file system , password management.
Recall: “Learn how to learn, and u will never ‘ask’ “
Tbh, I am off my Ipad recently, I found that I am slightly more productive -> less Youtube Algorithm..
First tennis play of the year. Exercise, for computer learner, is more like “eye-rcise”.
Did not expect google translate being so good, looks like I can just focus on maintaining one langauge version of the blog.
I sort of have a better understanding on how to find ur interest: u think of it without hesitation when u go to bed, wake up, and forget dining since it is more tastier, mentally.
#cs log4j bug.
Strange when I search the copyright of material on coursera, no direct answer pop up, I guess it is just common sense.
#TODO static methods pythonic way ref
Always nice to see perspective from other country.
#stock Kazakhstan revolt -> cryptocurrency prices drop
#TODO how to comment 2
Understanding the data is responsible for 80% of the success or failure in data science projects.
Looks like everytime is almost the same, thou havent play and properly exercise for a while, can not resist to play hard during the first tennis match knowing that it will hurt the next day.
To summerise a coding exericse, convert useful part to a class with good taste, desgin & comments.
#interesting Saw a research paper saying: The prettier the plot is, the more convincing the result is. And the comment obviously are: finally I have a reason why my graph is ugly, becuase it is real…
Realise enjoy the way coursera delivers its content, having the reading section right after the videos allows us to focus on understanding during the video and takes note afterwards, noice.
The last man standing cross all subjects - Math.
- dict.get()
- dict correspond to hash table
Kaggle competition is like a random grid search for the optimal solution to a real world probelm
Feel like python is just a wrappe around all other domain-specific langauge, python to call the api and other langauge to implement the algo efficiently.
Github page Blog could serve like a perosnalised dictaionary of stuffs learnt.
Kind of confused to what extent / permission u can reuse / reproduce the coursera material https://github.com/ibrahimjelliti/Deeplearning.ai-Natural-Language-Processing-Specialization
After join the coursera discourse, find this: nice discussion on coursera copyirght issue
strange: a standford student post a lot course materials.. probably permission granted.
Find that the study notes is rather subjective and works well for only the person who write it since it is logic in his/her POV. I guess that is one reason why study note on existing course material does not infringe copyright to some extent.
coursera is really geneously - allow video download
- python tricks / good code taste
- put lab prac into a class demonstrate understanding.
- RNN pytorch tutorial sentiment analysis
- Abhishek Thakur youtube on ML kaggle pipeline
- Custom model
- Add dedicated page without any page meta and link it with the category based archieve page e.g. a link shown before the excerpt.
The ability to hold back a subject of great interest e.g. summarise code into class with taste for the sake of efficiency - coursera 7 day free trial, is something.
Covid not looking good: https://www.sydney.edu.au/covid-19/latest-updates.html
If u think of urself as a ML model, then all life experience is part of the training set that u “should” learn and generalise.
#Dumb Myself and my mum were having this oven with poor timer where u cannot set exact time. And I think of using a paper and mark it and this and that, and after a week, realise we could just use our phone to time it, strange, really strange.
#stock RAT stock goes wooop
- summerise #TODO in the coursera lab
- add more project pics to unsw course blog
- uni comparsion w.r.t number of courese each semester , US, Canada, etc
- make my own dictionary using jupyter book, summary, summary, and more summary.
- my numpy diction
- pipeline diction
- sitemap, cname for this blog maybe?
- relevant math e.g. common distribution formula cheatsheet
#Ask unsupervised learning for these relationship modelling word embedding right, not human label right?
Photos is perfect invention to capture memory, but we live in the present, sometimes, ppl so much into take a pic for something special e.g. the northern light, and after it gone, realise they did not give enough time to enjoy and appreciate it. See in person vs from recorded videos, that’s what present special. Sort of similar to: taking over amount of notes during the lec and forget to understand it, which is the whole purpose.
Think when standford open a new AI course, it is the standard or one of the. Others just rephrase with their understanding, rather a review/slight improvement of a existing standard, which makes sense.
POV: enjoy UNSW timetable allocation more than USYD. Just more initutively + with filters like before noon, after, etc.
Learning a new language, the main adv is access to a new community, English, obviously, is currently the largest one.
Such amazed by the fact how linear algebra well connected to these concept of vector space in NLP, or rather vice versa.
Follow on Andrew Ng suggestion on research/reading domain material: do many with 10% read, then u know which are the important ones.
My all times deep learning related Zoom name: Gan goodfellow.
Formatting always takes longer, so understanding and practise first.
Given in the coursera honor code, it mentions that should not share solution, and that lec slides type could be shared for non-commerical purpose with references, I suppose I could post the concept with no solution.
want to add a embedding link trigger google translate, found below solution but since it uses google service and it will not be accessible in China and so ignore:
<!-- <a href="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&sl=auto&tl=zh&u=http://postsent.github.io" style="color:#FF0000;">自动翻译</a> -->
C Hashtag.
PSA Q & A - resaerch depends on mark AND if find a advisor who is available at the expected time.
add #mytag is really convenitent way to search and locate among tens of posts.
Mechanial key - blue key, sounds like magic when along.
Have ppl help me fix the tennis racket line. Would be great if have robot to ‘observe’ the scene and reproduce the outcome.
Specialisation in Coursera means a set of courses.
When self-study, important to focus on what’s important / needed. Skip read those not helpful.
Sometimes, I feel like, I dont need more time, but efficiency by which, focus on important relevant, up-to-updated info than being ‘distracted’ by other not-so-important info along the research way.
Happy - coursera first certificate. (Thought have to pay to get it but turned out the first 7 days trial will do as well)
- How to write to professor, email etiquette.
- book
- python for data analysis
- pytorch nlp
- map sydney - my trip
- https://pytorch.org/tutorials/intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial.html
- https://github.com/bentrevett/pytorch-sentiment-analysis
- code supp for nlp in pytorch
When learning more vocab, starts with food is the key.
- https://ailearning.apachecn.org/#/docs/nlp/3
- Jiasaw
One of the most satisfied thing during this school summer break (southern hemisphere) is learning english by food, I just search some random receipe name and see what those youtube channel offer, man, live in the dream of stomach.
Holy moly, Baidu has a brand ad which when u search a laptop series, it gives u like a in-store experience thou still in the baidu mode…
#interesting A news mentioned that a country has a hospitalisation rate of 50:50 for those who vaccined and not. The comment section then says wouldnt that mean vac is not working? The pre-condition that is forgot is that that country (forget which) has 90% population vac compared to 10% of those who dont. So, in this rate, it should be 9 times less possible to get hospitalised compared to those unvaccined.
Seek clarification immediately to save time, result, in real practise always more important.
32 GB Ram only, price in CNY.
Final selection
Compare Dell灵越16Plus & zhan99, gives Dell灵越16Plus. Dell灵越16Plus, cpu low score based on youtube 25% lower than 华硕灵耀Pro16 - multi-core.
- price: 12k
- weight: 1.99
- cpu: 3.3GHz, AMD R9
- gpu: RTX3060
- battery: 71Wh, 5-8
- screen: 16, 16:10
Fan noise: 33db, 53 right on the machine, woww link
nice comment on how acer and lenovo transfer their gaming pc to business class
- price: 11k
- weight: 1.9kg
- cpu: 3.3GHz, AMD R9
- gpu: 4GB, RTX3050Ti
- battery: 96Wh, > 8hrs
- screen: 16, 16:10
Fan noise: dont recall, 55 + ?
- price: 10.3k
- weight: 1.9
- cpu: 2.3GHz, i7-11800H
- gpu: T600, 4GB
- battery: 83Wh, 5 ~ 8hrs
- screen: 15.6, 16:9
- price: 11k
- weight: 2.15
- cpu: 2.3GHz, i7-11800H
- gpu: RTX3060
- battery: 86Wh, > 8hrs
- screen: 16, 16:10
- quieter
- G15 Dell, 9k, battery < 5h.
- XPS 15, bit expensive. Lenovo
- ThinkPad P15V, CPU gen10 intel. Thinkpad
- E14, battery 2~5hr.
- Xiaomi
- link, fan noise
- link, 6.3k, integrated gpu, prob around the cheapest 32g ram laptop.
- link, Screen wobble, 12k, intel cpu, integrated gpu, light.
- Comments:
- sort by popularity makes a lot of sense
- I enjoy HP keyboard layout
- Keyboard layout is quite important, some are def not ideal
Just need ram, cpu, gpu for data analysis, why so many by default assume buyers are gamer who need 3k+ screen…
- l1
- lennovo online shop
Damn, forget to unplug the charger overnight, my machine reboot automatcally, f. Miss those ays days with macos where reboot the app still restored.
Lenovo store CN.
Max-Q graphics cards are generally slightly less powerful than their native counterpart
ASUS Zerphus series is killing it in terms of how many rtx it stacks up.
Recall: read all papers 10% then it allows to decide which are the important ones, reading in details wihtout prior knowledge is inefficient.
Every time when Elon said “I dont give up”, in my mind, a spacex rocekt shoots off and this always give me some sort of goose bumps in a nice way.
Now, realise why ppl recommend bigger screen for coding ppl.
word stack exchange, everything has a stack exchange forum, noice.
- Natural Language Processing with PyTorch
#Recall Before come back home country, many chooses to eat out AMAP restaurants, wherea us, go to library AMAP…
markdown paste vscode extension, oh~amazingggg
Starts transfer files, meanwhile, install apps
wait, win11 now support different background images for different virtual desktop.
win11 file explorer is so lagging, however, when u download files online to local machine, the pop up window asking for location is using win10 file explorer which is way faster.
It appears to me that window sortof less interested in win10 and put all feedback requierment into win11. E.g. Onenote in win11 is much better than the win10 ones.
# deep learning
- NYU # this looks like a really nice resource, creative common liscence, I realise there is no better place to find such comprehensive learning materials in any places other than GitHub.
- reading paper
Finish up transfer files from the old pc to this one, as expected, 1.5 days.
The R9000k looks really nice in terms of the specs, the RGB lighting around the chassis, the high refresh, different gaming-ish design is too much extra for me and make me decide this 16p instead. Based on some reviews currently available RTX3080 laptop performance is 10%+ better than the 3070 but the prices go up drastically which is commented as not a worthy upgrade unless need more juice.
When back up files, double check on validity of the file. E.g. when backup old ipad2 files to pc, I found that due to the existance of some ystem files, the following up video files are damaged during the copy, and fortunity I manually fixed all the invalid ones before I factory reset the ipad.
back up files from ipad2 to pc, after double fact check, found 100-ish photos were missing, google a bit, from using itunes for backuping, then realise those photos are clouded ones so can chill now.
factory reset dell inspiron mini 10
- reinstall window xp
- factory reset by going into bios / press fn8
- contact dell after-sales support
drawing tablet / ipad alternative
- 数控板/屏 - thick bezel
extremely clear current samsung tablet comparision
Other than powertoy, devtoy is up as well.
cannot format c drive as it contains currently running sys files
- File naming covention: will name file in chinese if it is more related to that. English otherwies.
- restart machine to refresh index.
Do what’s urgent / fill in the progress bar ASAP, then focus on details if time.
- email, bookmark, tabs, app, etc quite important
setup hotkey to change style in wod ref
#fix conda not recognised in powershell
Have primary on-premise/home cloud make a lot of senes. Then screen + internet = computer. Cloud can reduce the continous cost of individual upgrading to the latest cpu / gpu, etc.
#find photos act like a TOC of a part of life.
conda install is signicantly slower than pip in china for whatever reason.
#study Should be able to determine what’s important and learn efficiently.
Dont get distract by imperfect, focus on thoes important firsts.
#plan airport ticket can buy multiple from diferent airlines if refund is not heavily penalise, why? covid cause a lot of changes/delay
2022-01-27 thinkbook 16p is almost perfect for business class user not gamer.
Not need for high refresh, RGB of any kind, mech keyboard, great audio, fancy appearance desgin, built-in software like eye tracking practise, or even face id. just need: a quiet, has printscreen, home, end, page up/down keyboard, big screen with small bezel (no logo in front screen = perfect). Powerful CPU, NVIDIA GPU (or if inte;/AMD ones have support for pytorch), ok battery life, reasonably portable (weight), price mid-mid high tier if for student.
Efficient core + power core desgin in 12th gen Intel sounds also great.
kindof not important
- matte finish screen or not,
- hide front camera abilty
- plug in a external powerful GPU like the one Asus did thou, will be like a dream if cool properly.
- ease of adding new hard drive in the motherboard
- port selection - have dongle so meh (onomatopoeia), would be great if html port but not SD
simplicity is the highest sophistication
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF , solution: git config –global core.safecrlf false
as always, for all web based apps setting, search for report, and turn it off.
- vscode - telemetry level - send crash report to MS
Nivida make a pop up message for gender selection when creating an account, just like git main.
2022-01-28 only reason did not uninstall the lenovo manager is it provides customer service.
jesusss, if buy stuff, just search for the brand that do this stuff well. E.g. awter proof shoes: North face, columbia. God, lenovo vantage is so niceeeeeeeeeeeeee, dont get why it is not given by default. Finally able to disable auto keyboard backlight feature permanently. source from here
#word doc: one hotkey for multiple actions/commands feature does not exist. I want to bold, underline and italic at the same time. Solution: create a style and assing hotkey.
#book libribook.com
- theory part - just highlight, understand
- pactical part e.g. coding, code them.
# error # Coding Error message If see error message that indicates symbol errors and if a file suppose to work in one place, after download from another, it doesnt work any more, check if utf-8 encoding problem, e.g. retype the script if short.
2022-01-31 Can’t change the past, so do whatever to make present & future better.
#AI LeCun: “AI still not as smart as cat in some way”,
- multi-purpose model E.g. Meta’s data2vec
- self supervised learning
- ideally learn from videos rather than an image etc
- Learn from first angle like a human being instead of third camera angle
Recall last year this time, I think I am preparing for the final for summer class.
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