2 minute read CN/中文

Notes, assumptions

The title param in the _toc file cannot be applied easily. Currently, the easiest way is just modifies the first heading in the notebook.

Heading for each file seems to be a must. When specific filename in the _toc.yml, file extension not needed.

Heading size must in order, i.e. cannot jump from # to ###, otherwise, warning.

Jupyter notebook page

Similar to the transaltion approach mentioned above, here, since jupyter-book is built for jupyter notebook, we create a new github page and store the notebook there, with a url link in the jekyll points to the notebook github page.

When install jupyter-book, due to proxy address problem, do not enable VPN while pip install -U jupyter-book.

The official docs contains a lot of explanantion, below is the simplest version. Below reference from the simple example structure. How official docs is formatted.

:notes: Assume knowledge: have publish gh-pages before.

Note: main branch to store source code, gh-pages for what’s published

Source code

Configure you main branch as below. Fill in the _config & _toc as above example (replaced with ur file structure). More details can be found in the official docs e.g. toc

Source code structure:

├── _config.yml
├── _toc.yml
├── index.md # this is needed.
├── notebooksFolder
│   ├──notebook1.ipynb
│   ├──...

Compile jupyter book

# add a run script, then ./run
jupyter-book build .
cp -TRv _build/html docs/ >/dev/null 
# overwrite https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23698183 how-to-force-cp-to-overwrite-directory-instead-of-creating-another-one-inside
# > /dev/null hide terminal output, see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/98377/how-to-hide-terminal-output-when-executing-a-command


docs folder in main branch is curren appraochgetting-started-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site


Copy the content of the generated _build/html folder and place it to root of the gh-pages branch (nothing else is needed) and then add a empty file named: .nojekyll, then push it.

Now, add a link from the jekyll page to this notebook page and it’s done

To preview the html result, see preview




Directly copy and paste emoji instead of use the syntax which is doable in Jekyll. For window, do window key + ;

Solution standalone word doc during build

Used to think compile with html / pdf directly, however, the path is no recognised in the _toc.yml, and search for a while: not many have this problem and convert to markdown format seems to be a sound solution.

#word doc #markdown #convert Convert word doc to markdown

  • https://products.aspose.app/words/conversion/word-to-md (currently used)
  • https://www.tutorialsteacher.com/articles/convert-word-doc-to-markdown

:gem: Note: If convert from pdf to markdown, then the resolution is worse then use word doc.



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