Dec Logs
Sort of bullet-points-form diary.
Currently are still familar with the Jekyll (different metas) and tries to customerise something, the process of keeping two version of posts is kindof taking some time.
Just realise could have update the gitignore and then keep on copy instead of one for remote one for local…
Realise the internet condition in China is different and need extra care. Set up CDN is not considered yet as it requires to buy a custom domain name.
different ways to overcome the problem CDN speed up CDN - cloudfare A similar platform to Github that is faster there
vscode allows collapsible based on different heading which is really convenitent for large content.
NotImplementedError - nbclient issue resolved: updated pyzmq
If window compiled html not working properly, then use WSL2. (E.g. After click a section in TOC, other sections disappear/auto zoom in problem)
Juptyer book will include TOC for a signle markdown cell
mad: pdf to markdown
The collapsible based on different types of heading (markdown) in vscode is just Best in class, extremely convenient.
ur model goes as efficient as ur code goes.
Unsplash - free usable image
First day of leetcode study plan - algo done, here
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